Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This is what I've done this week.

I have become addicted to home decor/remodel blogs.  I love them and looking at what creative women there are out there!  I am so envious!  I keep telling myself, "you can totally do that!", and then I find excuses not to do stuff I want.  Well, no more!  I may not have all the ideas that get people sparked up, but I can copy pretty well!  So, this week I made a coffee table tray out of an old picture frame that I picked up at a garage sale for $2!

  I painted a coffee table black, and now I am in the middle of refinishing a thrift store chair. 

I still need to get the doors done on my armoire, but it has been too windy to use my paint sprayer so it's gonna have to wait some more. 
On a side note, I may have spoke too soon on the house being sold already.  Foster luck is striking again and making things much more difficult than we had anticipated.  Oh well, we have a year to sell the thing so I guess it's okay. 
Meanwhile, I need to get over to my friends house to pick up her old piano.  I want to make something creative and unusual out of the awesome old thing!  


  1. The table looks awesome! And the piano is still here, so whenever you get around to it :)

  2. Where are you moving? Are you building a new house?

  3. No, we aren't building a new home, but we are in the works to buy our friends home which isn't even a year old. We just have to sell the one we are in first! I hate having to show my house to people. I can only see all the things that need to be fixed or are messy, so I am never optimistic about it selling. Ugh.
